Monday, October 18, 2010

Life stuff

Wednesday last week, I taught Gender Awareness for some forty two (42) police officers who are taking up their Junior Leadership Course at PPSC-RTS 12. This group is fun to be with. Their interaction is real, witty, funny, and based on true-to-life accounts. Some inputs were totally hilarious; some would leave you speechless. Of the forty two police officers, five (5) were women and the rest, men.
And like all gender awareness and gender sensitivity lectures and trainings I did for most people, the subject on sex and sexuality is the most interesting part. What is it about sex and sexuality that titillates the imagination? Haha.
Let me mention some sexual rights that we tackled:
 The highest attainable standard of sexual health, including access to sexual and reproductive health care services
 Seek, receive and impart information related to sexuality
 Sexuality education
 Respect for bodily integrity
 Choose their partner
 Decide to be sexually active or not
 Consensual sexual relations
 Consensual marriage
 Decide whether or not, and when, to have children; and
 Pursue satisfying, safe and pleasurable sexual life
Those who are not in agreement with the sexual rights mentioned above may raise a question (and explain why). These sexual rights were taken up when I participated in a Seminar-Training for GAD Trainers during my colorful TRANSCO days.
The gender awareness lecture lasted for four hours only. I must say it’s very short for such an interesting topic. Perhaps it could be increased to eight hours next time?
After the gender awareness lecture, I was requested by Ms. Carms of PPSC-RTS 12 to handle Public Speaking with practicum on Monday and Tuesday, October 4 and 5. Wonderful! October 4 and 5 are special dates for me. Truly special: for all intents and purposes.
So over the weekend, I reviewed my lecture material and input some needed revisions.
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I had brewed coffee at East Asia Royale Hotel late Thursday afternoon courtesy of Rombar Bartolome. What would you know! While sipping coffee, a friend whom I have not seen for over a year suddenly materialized right in front of me! Whoa! Totally serendipitous. I did not even know he was in the city. I should thank Rombar for the coffee. It afforded me the rare chance to see this guy again. Sorry folks, I couldn’t say his name. He is too popular for comfort these days. I do not want to add to his woes. Knowing him, he does not thrive in unwanted popularity.
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Friday night was special bonding time with the ladies of Rotary Club of Greater General Santos at Sunset Bistro at Robinson’s Place hosted by President Petite V.
It was a small group that night, very animated, candid and totally relaxed. I would say solidarity defined the atmosphere. But I like the “candid part” the most haha. Don’t worry ladies, I totally get you.
I have always believed that women need solidarity with other women. Women solidarity strengthens, renews, validates, confirms and appreciates our value and worth as women.
Thanks President Petite for graciously hosting the get-together.
Incidentally, Prexy Petite V has requested me to speak on “Ethics in the Workplace” during the regular fellowship meeting on October 20. Time to study.
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The months September and October saw my house hosting the friends and classmates of Shiloh Ruthie twice weekly. It seems like I see them almost daily actually. Hmmm. Curious.
Well, the school intramurals is coming up and they are involved in the “Battle of the Bands”. Since my daughter plays the drums and we have musical instruments at home, they troop to the house to practice. So this quiet weekend, they are here again to practice their number.
What can I say? I’m writing my column and they are strumming the guitar, playing the drums, singing their hearts out!
But I’m totally cool about it. Like they say, it is best when moms (and dads) know who their kids hang out with. It is safer and wise.
And their visits also maximize the use of the musical instruments at home. Splendid investment.
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The Global Paradox: With technology, the world has become bigger and smaller at the same time. And we all benefit from it.
I do not want to intellectualize this. I just want to treat it lightly. Imagine Facebook. You get connected with your friends anywhere in the world with just one click. Twenty years ago or so, we had to call via long distance and write via snail mail if we wanted to stay connected with friends and family abroad. Fast forward to 2010, what do you have? Plenty. Real plenty huh! The world has shrunk: technology has enabled us to connect so fast; and the players – we have increased; our world has turned bigger. That in simple terms is the beauty of the global paradox.
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Food for thought: May the gods grant you all things which your heart desires, and may they give you a husband and a home and gracious concord, for there is nothing greater and better than this -when a husband and wife keep a household in oneness of mind, a great woe to their enemies and joy to their friends, and win high renown. > Homer, The Odyssey

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